HWP National Junior Honor Society (NJHP)
Jacquelyn DeVlieger, Advisor
The NJHS members meet Tuesday and Thursday mornings 7:30 a.m.
HWP NJHS Leadership
Vice President
Public Relations

As supported by BOE policy 6145.51 and Regulations 6145.51(a) and 6145.51(b), students who have grades in every subject B+ (87) or higher for the last three consecutive marking periods (Q2, Q3 and Q4) in grades 6 and 7 are academically eligible to be considered for membership in the National Junior Honor Society for the following school year. However, membership cannot be granted on the basis of academics alone. Students who qualify as outstanding in the area of academics will then be considered for induction based on citizenship, service, character and leadership.
Students who qualify academically will receive a letter and application within two weeks of the last day of school. Applications will be due the first day of the new school year. During the first month of school the NJHS Selection Committee will go over all applications and announce those students who have been selected.
Once a student becomes a member, they must maintain academic and character requirements to continue being a member of the Horace Porter School Chapter of the NJHS.