Columbia School District

Special Education and Student Services


Screenings & Lottery

Preschool Screenings

The Early Childhood Team of Horace W. Porter School is pleased to announce that we will conduct Preschool Screenings for Columbia 3 year olds (turning 3 on/or before September 1, 2025) and any 4 year olds not previously screened (and not turning 5 by September 1, 2025)

 Please call Deborah Dupuis at (860) 228-0585, if you would like to be screened.

All public school systems in Connecticut are responsible for the identification of children who may be eligible to receive special education services.  The early childhood team in Columbia offers preschool developmental screenings for current resident children.  The purpose of this screening is to collect information about each preschooler’s early development in the areas of cognition, communication, motor functioning, and social interaction.  This will help us to determine whether your child needs any special services in order to prepare for school success. 

 If you have concerns about a child that has not yet turned 3, please contact Birth-to-Three program at (800) 505-7000.

Preschool Lottery 

Please click on the link for the Porter Pals Lottery for the 2025-2026 School year.  

 Preschool Lottery Registration 

The lottery registration is open until 3:00pm on March 27, 2025.  If you have any questions regarding the lottery, please contact Deb Dupuis at (860) 228-0585.