Columbia School District
Science is about sparking a desire to learn more: Explore...Question...Discover!
Science is about sparking a desire to learn more: Explore...Question...Discover!
If you have any questions, please contact Kara Levenduski
Science Overview
Science Overview
Horace W. Porter’s science curriculum is based on the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and promotes the investigation of real-world phenomena. Student scientists are encouraged to develop inquiring minds and a curiosity about the natural world around them. As they discover scientific concepts and develop engineering practices they are guided to design and test solutions through the inquiry process. A variety of programming is used to support this engaging curriculum.
Classroom Resources:
Classroom Resources:
Mystery Science (Grades Kindergarten–5)
McGraw Hill (K, Grade 2, Grade 4, Grades 5-8)
Carolina Building Blocks of Science (Grade 1 and Grade 3)
Curriculum Overview
Curriculum Overview
Science Scope & Sequence K-8.pdf