H. W. Porter School


There’s no substitute for hard work. If you work hard and prepare yourself,
you might get beat, but you’ll never lose. 

Nancy Lieberman 

Copy of 2024 Fall Sports Schedule

Columbia District/ HWP Calendar

Athletics Mission 

The Horace W. Porter School Athletics Program strives for excellence by providing opportunities for student athletes to participate in programs that are designed to develop meaningful standards of athletic performance, leadership, commitment to one’s team, critical thinking, problem solving, self-discipline, self-confidence, scholarship, community service and relations, and appropriate conduct within the educational and social environments of Horace W. Porter School.

H. W. P. Athletics Philosophy

The athletic experience is an essential part of many student athletes’ overall education. Athletics plays a significant role in developing positive self-esteem and a sense of well-being. Lessons in sportsmanship, teamwork, competition, and how to win and lose gracefully are integral parts of the Horace W. Porter School Athletic Program. To this end, the goal is to strive for excellence. Student growth and development is positively impacted when students engage in a strong academic program and participate in a strong athletic program.

While learning fair play, teamwork and self-discipline, student athletes must be challenged at the level or skill they bring to the sport. Student athletes shall be afforded the opportunity to participate at the most appropriate level to achieve optimal personal growth. Student athletes must have the opportunity to develop their skills and reach their maximum potential in a well-coached environment.