Columbia School District
Information Technology
Connecticut Student Data Privacy
Columbia Public Schools takes this issue of student data privacy seriously. A Connecticut law that came into full effect on July 1, 2018 has outlines strict and specific requirements that Connecticut school districts must assure are in place for any online tool, application or other program that collects student data in any way. The law requires districts to enter into contracts with service providers to assure compliance with the Connecticut Student Data Privacy Act CT16-189.
Information related to privacy for online tools in use in our District are currently being updated and will be posted soon. In many cases, the providers have signed the CT Privacy Pledge with the State of Connecticut Commission for Educational Technology, agreeing to oblige by the requirements of the law, and those are linked in the table in lieu of a privacy contract between the provider and Columbia Public Schools.
Disclaimer: The Columbia Board of Education and its staff have made every reasonable attempt to insure that the district, school, and teacher web pages are educationally sound and do not contain links to any questionable material or anything that can be deemed in violation of the District's Acceptable Use Policy.